Explore Pilates principles in a Intermediate Reformer Class setting: core strength, increased flexibility, breath work and correct alignment to help improve your posture! NOTE: You must have recent experience in a fast-paced Pilates class to attend. Join Tomono Tuesdays @ 8:30am (30 minute class) and Fridays @ 9:30am (55 minute class).
Do you know why we need Vitamin D? It does much more than helping your body absorb calcium for stronger bones. It can also help prevent cancer and is beneficial for heart health. Now I bet you’re wondering how much you need to take! Erica Mesirov, our resident Food Coach, explains in a recent blog on Vitamin D facts: how much we should take as a supplement and why we need it.
Simple coconut yogurt makes a healthy, high-fat breakfast or snack. If you want to take it up a notch, add some fresh berries (or cook them down with chia seeds), a sprinkle of hemp seeds or a gluten free granola and you have a delicious start to your day. This recipe is very mild on the ferment, making it perfect for kids.
We don’t all have the ability to exercise at work, but Pilates can be done ANY WHERE! There have been various studies (notation provided) that show long term postural effects from the way we hold ourselves throughout the day (standing, at a computer, on our phones, driving), especially in the neck and shoulders. For this month’s “How to Workout at Work,” take a few moments every couple of hours to get your blood flowing, stretch your arms, and strengthen your upper back and shoulders to help counter-act those effects!